Getting started with Typescript and Express

Getting started with Typescript and Express
There are many tutorials in how to get started with Typescript and Express, but I still wish to contribute with my own favorite for how to set up a project even if it’s a microservice or a bit larger piece of code. To fully understand my setup, I will need to publish a couple of ...

Re-installing your Umbraco 8 database

Re-installing your Umbraco 8 database
When using Umbraco CMS, there are a couple of things that are helpful in how to be able to use the same software for multiple installations and being able to start from scratch over and over. We have switched to Umbraco recently on our own e-commerce solution and there are a couple of things that ...

Building a data model for Headless Commerce

Building a data model for Headless Commerce
Headless Commerce for the systems architect When you are about to go headless, you will be in control of your own data model for commerce and is not just limited to the representation provided by the vendor of your headless platform. If you are a consultant with multiple implementations, you may take the oppurtunity to ...